Wednesday, 22 November 2006

Ben's goes bye-bye?

Workers at this Montreal landmark have been without a contract since February 2006. The first photo was taken coincidentally in February as I was walking to the train station after work. Ben's is one of the few places I remember coming to when I came on field trips to the city with my grandparents when I was little.

This is how it looks now, in November. The chairs and tables are all stacked at one end of the floor, the fondly-remembered lemon-yellow formica walls still covered by the autographed photos of celebrities who have come to this shrine to Montreal-style "Smoked Meat".

A sad day for our local culture when this family-run business goes away. I caught a hint of a headline about a new 28-storey building going up on this site when searching the Web, but couldn't actually find the article. I had noticed these signs going up, though.

These are the workers' demands, which seem pretty reasonable to me as a once (and hopefully future) customer.

  • a Chef (cook)
  • a meat cutting person
  • new silverware, glassware, and toaster
  • Repairs to the HVAC
  • Reasonable seniority rights and wage increases
Let's hope they can open these doors again!

Ben's Wikipedia entry

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