Wednesday, 22 November 2006

Ben's goes bye-bye?

Workers at this Montreal landmark have been without a contract since February 2006. The first photo was taken coincidentally in February as I was walking to the train station after work. Ben's is one of the few places I remember coming to when I came on field trips to the city with my grandparents when I was little.

This is how it looks now, in November. The chairs and tables are all stacked at one end of the floor, the fondly-remembered lemon-yellow formica walls still covered by the autographed photos of celebrities who have come to this shrine to Montreal-style "Smoked Meat".

A sad day for our local culture when this family-run business goes away. I caught a hint of a headline about a new 28-storey building going up on this site when searching the Web, but couldn't actually find the article. I had noticed these signs going up, though.

These are the workers' demands, which seem pretty reasonable to me as a once (and hopefully future) customer.

  • a Chef (cook)
  • a meat cutting person
  • new silverware, glassware, and toaster
  • Repairs to the HVAC
  • Reasonable seniority rights and wage increases
Let's hope they can open these doors again!

Ben's Wikipedia entry
Hey this is cool... You can use Writely to post to your Blogger account!

and it's a nice little editor too... Hmm... I may end up using this instead of emailing posts in from my Blackberry... or both; we'll see.

Ok, now for some real work!

Listening to TWIT#77
Oh no! Here we go again.... Microsoft has apparently scared Novell into coughing up money for intellectual property used in SUSE Linux. Bollocks!! What is this "deal" really about? Is it the whole FAT disk format thing again? Or is it just one more way for MS to undermine linux as a viable desktop?

Links :

Ooooh, just found a good one:

Just as an aside:
Digital Rights Management doesn't protect anybody. In order to get your money's worth for the media you buy, you have to turn into a "thief" and rip movies and music illegally.

Ok, gotta go earn some bucks.

Tuesday, 21 November 2006


I've always wanted to do that, ever since I started reading SlashDot years ago...